Enhance your gaming skills and connect with fellow gamers with ArenaLab. Train against AI opponents, customize settings, and receive performance analysis. Join a vibrant community to share tips and improve together. Elevate your gaming experience with ArenaLab.


Product Design

UI/UX Design


4 months

Limitations of Existing Video Game AI

Meeting Gamers' Demands

Adaptive AI Practice

Initiate custom game matches and practice against adaptive AI profiles. Customize the game settings, difficulty level, and choose from a variety of AI profiles to challenge yourself and improve your gameplay skills.

Track Your Progress

Explore the Growth Dashboard to monitor your gameplay statistics and track your progress over time. View detailed insights, AI in-depth breakdown, and compare your achievements to identify areas of improvement and measure your growth as a player.

Share & Discover

Join the vibrant gaming community in the Play Hub. Download and play user-generated content, such as custom AI profiles and game matches, to experience new challenges. Create and share your own content, allowing others to enjoy your creations and contribute to the thriving community.


1. Designing a better user experience with AI

Through this project, I have discovered the significance of incorporating AI technology to enhance the user experience in competitive gaming. By developing intelligent AI opponents and personalized training programs, players can engage in challenging and tailored gameplay that fosters skill development and growth.

2. Creating a fun and game-like design layout

The project has emphasized the importance of creating an immersive and enjoyable gaming environment through visual design and interactive elements. By implementing captivating graphics, intuitive interfaces, and engaging animations, I have learned how to make the user interface more dynamic and reminiscent of the gaming experience itself.

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